Sourced from Express Scripts Canada’s 2015 Drug Trend Report.
Percentage of claimants with chronic conditions
Chronic conditions require taking maintenance drugs that can sometimes be very expensive. Since 51% of Canadian claimants suffer from two chronic conditions or more, tight plan management and plan member education are more important than ever.
1 chronic disease
2 or 3 chronic diseases
4 chronic diseases or more
No chronic disease
- Percentage of claimants with chronic diseases
Traditional and specialty drugs: Annual spend projections
Specialty drug annual total spend soared from 17.5% in 2010 to 30% in 2015. In 2020, the continuing increase is expected to reach 42%. Since traditional drug spend is also increasing, failing to implement strict cost control measures could quickly prove to be disastrous.
Drug spend
Drug spend
Drug spend
- Specialty drugs
- Traditional drugs
Specialty drugs: Percentage of claims versus total spend
Even though specialty drugs only represented 2% of total claims in 2015, they accounted for 30% of total spend. This shows once more how important tight drug management is to preserving the viability of insurance plans.
Total Claims
Total spend
- Specialty drugs
- Traditional drugs